Battle of the Verbal Auxiliaries | Teen Ink

Battle of the Verbal Auxiliaries

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

I should be kind,
I should be faithful,
I should be dependant,
And grateful.

How could I ever live
A life dictated
By should’s
When I crave a life
With could’s?

It's unbearable,
This corset,
This strain on my mind.
Tightly bound,
Only suffocation I shall find.

But asphyxiation by restraint,
Shall never be my fate.
While other leap,
I shall never take
The bait.

You should or not
Is your choice,
I fear,
It depends on which life
You hold
More dear.

As for me,
With should
I’ll not be fed.
That word’s for regret—
Could’s for what lies

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