My life as a Metaphore...Metaphorically Speaking... | Teen Ink

My life as a Metaphore...Metaphorically Speaking...

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I am who I am,to be who i am is to know I, I follow like the trees swaying in the wind, pushed back and forth between who I was and felt like I wanted to be but it just wasnt me. The drugs the lies the sex it was all a game. To be fake loved by those false examples of 43 chromosomes , chromatically only owning the 3, They never stoped to see how they hurt me, i guess me was the one hurting me , to say they,they where the ones that made the lies come out, needle stuck in arm, being sexuall for a little currency to buy my current life I was living a life of not living...So to be who I am , is to be consious of who i was and now supposed to be...

The author's comments:
This poem is just a realization that you can change yourself but first you must realize who and what you used to be...
<3 Nicole!

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