Take it for What it is | Teen Ink

Take it for What it is

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Dont mistake my honesty for crulety...
my boldness as a front to hide myself from the outside world...
Dont mistake my realness for reality as an unseen being...its seen you just have to open your eyes and see...
Dont mistake my love for random living for rebellion from what my mommy told me ...
Dont mistake my confident exposure for low esteem of myself being...
Dont mistake my love for music as a way to escape my misery because the reality of my life bleeds happy then into my creativity of the personality of me...So if you think all of these things just couldnt possibly be evaluate yourself then get back to me...

The author's comments:
This poem is just a way to say "being myself isnt a crime so get over it"...
<3 Nicole!

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