Busy | Teen Ink


February 27, 2008
By Anonymous

Busy, Busy, Busy. Primping, glossing and putting on make-up
I looked at you with a quirky smile and a silent mouth
However, I thought of your stressed, superficial lives.
I drew my pictures, I read my books, and I thought
Why was I not like you?
Because I chose to be different.
My clothes may not be the ones that you always saw in the preppie stores
But, they are worth more than you’ll ever know. They were representative of me
Ninjas and manga tossed in a flurry of friends, foes and fantasy,
Made my life more tangible, and real than some of the friendships you have.
Look beyond what you see.
Life is more than the clothes on your backs.
Here I lie with a smile and I laugh at those who are still worried about how you look.
Because I found a real husband and a real life.
And I could care less what you thought of me.

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