You're Blind | Teen Ink

You're Blind

February 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I hate what i have become
I hate what has happened in the past years
I'm not proud people people
say don't regret but i do
too many mistakes mean everything to you
but your just like me
someone always disapointed in you
I've changed but nobody knows
I can't believe it doesn't show
can't people see or are they blind
you think of me as your mistake
I can't change your mind
I hurt inside as you fill with yells
The hate you have for me is what compels me to love you

I cried after you said those things
I felt you left me behind
As if you were blind
I thought the love turned to hate
angered at the disgrace
memories fall and crash before my eyes
I bend to my knees
as pieces of me break
shatter like glass
hurts so good but to small to matter
I can't believe what i've done
Can't believe I've become so numb
I'll step out of your way though
and erase myself
I've changed mom
but you don't care enough to tell

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