Galumph, Galumph | Teen Ink

Galumph, Galumph

November 6, 2007
By Anonymous

Galumph Galumph,
The elephant ran.
Ran from the wicked,
Ran from the man.

Galumph Galumph,
A thundering roar.
I could only witness,
My repayment was poor.

Galumph Galumph,
In happier times
We worked together,
Hauling, pulling for miles.

Galumph Galumph,
A monster, a beast
So gentle, though,
During work or at rest.

Galumph Galumph,
Across the grass.
Pursued by a man
In a jeep so fast.

Galumph Galumph,
The ground beneath shook
As my friend, my partner
The rifle shot took.

Galumph Galumph,
Galumph no more.
In dying he told me
What my life was for.

Far from my friend,
The man stood back,
Waiting until he was still at the end.

The man took his saw
And casually cut
Until the ivory was raw.

Two great white tusks
Lay shining at his feet
The rest of the bulk lay there ‘til dusk.

I crept out of hiding
And ran to his side
Tears rolling freely; I was dying inside.

Galumph Galumph
Galumph no more.
Galumph Galumph
Galumph no more.

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