Babel | Teen Ink


November 6, 2007
By Anonymous

Nimrod coaxed, begged, whipped,
Beat the people ‘til
They bled.

Stone tower, piled high,
Nimrod built it.
Stone towered to the sky.

In anger Yaweh
Smote it down,
Cast us aside like chaff or whey.

Earth took to her bosom
These arrogant, lost, forgotten sons
Of our long-distant Adam.

Four corners of the world
Hid our common ancestor,
Our origins forever parted, whirled.

Yet here we are,
Brothers, sisters,
From a land so far away.

Our language linked,
Sometime in the past,
Though our cultures split and verged.

Our common bond, still
Held through the ages.
Because Babel never fell.

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