Better Than Broadway | Teen Ink

Better Than Broadway

October 30, 2007
By Anonymous

As the day’s energy faded in my town,
And as the sun finished its meticulous travel down,

I lay in the grass waiting for the fireflies patiently.

As the first of their lights started to shine,
And as I grabbed one to keep as mine,

The crickets began their beautiful symphony.

As the crickets started to play,
And as I breathed in the cooling air of the day,

The moths began to fly peacefully.

As the moths started to fly,
And as I waved the sun goodbye,

I realized what was happening all around me—
As the fireflies mimicked the light of day,
And as the crickets woke up and began to play,
And as the moths circled over-head where I lay,

I watched a show that Broadway could never hope to be!

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