I Am a Stain on the White Wall | Teen Ink

I Am a Stain on the White Wall

October 28, 2007
By Anonymous

I am a stain on the White Wall
A dot
The Wall’s Lady Macbeth’s Spot
A stain among others
Eventually to be covered
By glossy propaganda
Preaching from their plantation’s veranda
The Benefits of a Mannequin Aryan dominant race
Hastening the production pace
Ruling fire power with a sadistic smile
These White Walls are on the Heel
Of the 4th Reich
The Mannequins shutter from the black whip
While words are painted on their lips’
Words tattooing a duel reality
Soldiers march to anti-morality
Rats behind The Wall make the rules
They are tyrants selling souls on a pedestal
“Sleep forever, bright Angel!” They cry
These words change me not
Yet sting like lye
Now the cleaners are coming to wash me away
I stand proud hiding a tear, mommy I promise not to sway
Now the cleaners are coming to wash me away
They think they’re so cunning
I tell you there is a revolution that is growing
I proudly lay my head on the chopping block
But as the blade cuts I will still feel the shock

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