School | Teen Ink


August 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Kids love it
Teens dread it
To be educated
Means so much
in nowadays.

It starts in
living inside
your every move.

Education builds
on itself, crawling
and walking with

School breathes
in your soul,
even if you just
go for friends.

What I see,
so many quitters
not explaining
or caring.

They say once
you start on dope
in high school,
you're in it for

Dope, drinking
two strikes.
Abusing more
and you're out.

We take advantage
of the subject, and
end up on the streets.

But not all are
this way, there
is a low percentage
that acheives
with no source of

There are the
homeless, but that
has not stopped them.

You are well
driven, you may
not be the boss
of your company,
but one day you
will own it.

A carreer isn't
necessary to be
happy, simply
having an education
enhances your

The author's comments:
this poem i was thinking about school and education when i wrote it

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