Another “crush” Pain | Teen Ink

Another “crush” Pain

August 10, 2008
By Anonymous

So they say you can’t help what you feel, but that’s lazy
And no excuse

If I want I can cure this exhausting feeling.
Who say’s I can’t get your name out of my mind
It’s possible,
probably the most difficult to master
If I mess with all those traits of yours I don’t agree on
And all of those turn offs
in one sitting,
These stomach pains will be gone.
That’ll do..
You shouldn’t wear your bangs to the side,
Why do you tuck your head as you pass
You have no reason to be insecure
Nor should you stare at me that way,
if you know me
I’m not easy to con.
Don’t pronounce my name that way.
Why do you make your presence so obvious when I’m near?
I give you permission not to recognize me for a second.
Why can’t you be similar to those other guys?
Why are you so intelligent
And know so much,
But are to blind to spot me hiding in the corners
kneeling from “crush” pains.

I think I want you a little more now
And if I wanted I could cure it
But I don’t want to cure this exhaustion
I can’t help what I feel, that’s lazy
And such an excuse to suffer
An upset stomach.

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