They Have Theirs and I Have You | Teen Ink

They Have Theirs and I Have You

August 9, 2008
By Anonymous

The Swiss have their cheese,
The French have their wine,
The Itilians have their pasta,
The writers have their pens,
Poets have their misery,
Walmart has its shoppers,
Children have their toys,
Mechanics have their tools,
Preachers have their sermans,
The elderly have their prunes and memories,
The wicked have their ways,
The good have their virtue,
But best of all,
The one thing that beats the rest,
Is the fact that I have you,
My source of inspiration,
The goddess of my religion,
The apple of my eye,
My love.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Aug. 20 2008 at 1:04 am
That was AMAZING! Usually I don't like the poems-but-BRAVO! I liked how you were emotional and yet straight to the point! Good job!