Green Means Go | Teen Ink

Green Means Go

August 7, 2008
By Anonymous

It was time to pack and say good bye.
All the things were done it was a summer lie.

The world seemed right at that hang up click,
Until she realized that was really it.

The way they looked at eachother,
The way he respected her mother.
The way they kissed,
When they had missed.

Always when she was surrounded by him,
She could spread her arms wide and feel deep within.

But their laughter was through.
It all turned to shady blue.

What was there now to do
She knew; she knew...

That life was a test to break her heart
To give her the test through the dark.

Life was a gift from the heavans above.
But could be taken in a heart beat when falling inlove.

Couple weeks later it was time for him to go.
She knew it was coming but how was this so.

That's why she ended it that very night;
Her plan had fallen through, she still wanted him close and tight.

She tried to put off the hurtful goodbye,
But when the two weeks past he had to fly.

Away he went off to college; back at home she stayed,
A sophmore in high school waiting for the day

When he get's back things will be fine.
Whe she get's older they'll be flying high.

So for now if they happen to pass eachother down the street.
They'll brush away the teers and pretend to stare at their feet.

The time will come.
Maybe he's the one,
But for now we gotta pause this love test time,
Worry about forever when we get to the green sign.

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