In that cold, metal heart kinda way | Teen Ink

In that cold, metal heart kinda way

August 6, 2008
By Anonymous

Late one night,
At one of those drive-in movies we used to love
You took your head from my shoulder,
“We’re overrated now, follow me.”
I nodded. I was impulsive when with you.

You took me past dumpsters
Through woods where kids
Made love under blankets.
Over empty soda bottles
Singing, “Baby, it’s cold outside.”
That was your favorite part of the song
You loved the temptations?
I can’t stand to hear them anymore.

We ran, you ahead
I remember the streetlights,
They made your loose clothes
Dance like angels at your hips.
I watched you cross to those lines,
The lines in the middle of the road
Wheels screeched, lights spun,
And I watched you roll a few feet
Down the concrete.

I ran so fast
That I pulled the threads
From my pin-striped, black converses
And I cried when they took you
Not tears of blood
Nothing extraordinary
Just tears
Let’s face it
We were overrated
Dreams were overrated

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