The unbreakable broken | Teen Ink

The unbreakable broken

August 6, 2008
By Anonymous

I thought forever meant forever
We had a bond that no on could sever
We let stupid things get in the way
Now there is nothing left to say

You left me broken, crushed, incomplete
Afraid to feel afraid of a repeat
You changed my life in so many ways
I don’t think we will ever be the same

It feels so akward with the one
I am most comfortable
I guess done means done
Didn’t realize this game was so unbeatable

Don’t even glance in my direction
My heart feels crippled
Because I lost my biggest section
Best friends but tripled
Best friends more like sisters
Said nothing could ever break our bond
Then why I am the only one
Beaten down and broken

How could you get over it so quickly
It hurts how much you don’t care
how it could end so darkly
you act as though I am not there
When I cant get you off my mind
I guess I am just so scarred
The healing will have to take time

You seem so much happier
But I cant see through the broken mirror
I feel as though I cant see clearly
Just lost a friend I loved so dearly
she will never know
Or care enough

No one to tell secrets too
Or laugh about all the stupid things we do
I always knew it would end
I guess so did she
That must be why I was replaced
Way too quickly

I have got new friends
None like you
they aren’t getting the real deal
To afraid to feel

Afraid to lose
Afraid of commitment
Afraid to chose
Tired of resentment
One day I will come out of the shadows
Ready and better then ever
then you will think about
that bond no one could sever

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