Sad Song | Teen Ink

Sad Song

August 5, 2008
By Jessie McNIchols BRONZE, Berkeley, California
Jessie McNIchols BRONZE, Berkeley, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

i got a bad taste in my mouth these days and a fever that comes in the night
he looks at me with his big brown eyes and says baby, are you all right?
i ask him how to forget the past, he says how am i supposed to know
but i've got a mirror if you've got a razor and baby, away we go.
and one day i woke up and that’s when i knew he don’t care if i live or die
he said what did you ever see in me, and that’s when i started to cry.
if i can’t even live with you anymore, how the hell can i live without?
he said that he hoped i'd get over him and i said baby, blood don’t wash out.
i remember when i first knew you, when you could take my breath away
but all the sweet memories and all the good days in the world won’t help me today;
he said he didn’t know it would end like this, but i never had a doubt
he said i should try to forget him and i said baby, blood don’t wash out.
so the moon never beams without bringing me dreams of a love that left us behind
and the stars never rise but i see your dark eyes and still no peace can i find
and so all the night long the wind murmurs this song, and i know i will never be free
and so in the end, i lie here and pretend that you’re lying next to me.

The author's comments:
Another for M.M. If the last few lines seem similar to those of Edgar Allen Poe's Annabel Lee, it's because they are, but it's intentional. This isn't an actual song, it's only written in the style of one.

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