Stretching Love's Luck | Teen Ink

Stretching Love's Luck

August 5, 2008
By Anonymous

The feel of your skin makes me weak,
A passionate kiss makes me fall to my knees,
The sparkle in your eyes and your brilliant smile,
Proves to me everything's alright,
If only for a while.

The sticky sweet scent disguising our bodies,
Be it cold in a boat, or a bed filled with fire.
We don't need to be far, to recognize where we stand.
Under an orange streetlamp, I had realized I've fallen.

So who really cares that this has brutually ended?
As long as we're fine, standing independant.
I've had rings come and go,
Being the most from you.
All of them lost,
And I really don't mind it.

With our sunny sides up,
And our fragile fake smiles.
I don't need to fake this feeling,
That I've held off so lond.
You're simply conceided in your own torture,
Secretly wishing every word would hurt less,
Bringing me far away from you,
But what you don't know, my long lost angel.
That you're doing all of this for me,
For the best, of me.

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