Last Time Was the Last Time | Teen Ink

Last Time Was the Last Time

August 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Today I saw the little girl with the tears in her eyes,

She has no choice but to be filled with lies,

If she tells the truth she fears someone will realize,

They will finally understand the bruises on her thighs,

She contemplates running away but looks worn out by constant tries,

I see a big heart inside the little girl who will someday rise,

She is gonna’ rebel and take her offender by surprise,

Don’t let them ruin your faith is something I’d advise,

Plan all night and leave at sunrise,

My heart melts every night as she sobs her midnight cries,

Nights she wasn’t feed I snuck her fries,

It’s sad to know that the only love she received was from a non necessity that my husband buys,

Tomorrow I’m gonna’ wipe away the tears from her eyes,

Tomorrow she’ll tell me the truth to all her lies,

Tomorrow she will know I realize,

Tomorrow she’ll tell me about the bruises on her thighs,

Tomorrow runaways will be` successes and not just hopeless tries,

Tomorrow the little girl will rise,

Tomorrow she is gonna rebel and take her offender by surprise,

Tomorrow she’ll know what I advise,

Tomorrow she will pack her bags and leave at sunrise,

Tomorrow there will be no midnight cries,

Tomorrow the little girl will not need my fries,

Tomorrow fries will just be a non necessity that my husband buys.

The author's comments:
This Poem was written by a Freshman at East West University in Chicago,Illinois. She aspires to be an English Teacher one day. She says that she writed from the heart... she only write what others may feel.

- Lavetta Dixon, 19 years old

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