Hearts of Stone | Teen Ink

Hearts of Stone

June 2, 2008
By Anonymous

a pure body made of canvas
wash the colors off your pale skin
you are worthless, you are useless, but unique.
specs of sunlight dry your heart out
so stay motionless in your hometown
of broken petals, melted ice, so to speak.
and oh what a beautiful sin under your skin
a mistake but perfect match,
with light pink lips that lock the latch.
oh, what a beautiful lullaby in your tears
pounding madness eating sadness in your eyes.
keep the days trucking on seven wheels
steady silent trekking path from a heart that heals
by a basement from your aim, oh no.
have you done it again? stay strong.
a heart holds so much for so long
'til it is worthless, it is useless, but unique.
yeah i am worthless, i am useless, but unique.

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