Tom | Teen Ink


August 4, 2008
By Anonymous

We run into battle
making not a rattle
no noise at all
our target is confirmed.

We take him out,
the alarm is raised,
we run for our lives,
another mistake.

We all make it out,
except for Tom.
He lost his leg,
he got left behind.

We all miss him dearly,
he was a noble man,
he was very special,
he never liked to lie,
and now he is dead,
so now we cry.

Why oh why,
does he have to die,
his family loved him so much,
he never did lie.

The gold star,
an honar,
we burst into tears.

Tom is dead,
now we avenge his life,
this is all but a day dream,
oh how i wish it was.

so sit tight at home,
not caring in the slightest,
the war still goes on,
but what will you do now?!?

The author's comments:
I realized that risking your life is a great price to pay for your country.

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