I Hate | Teen Ink

I Hate

August 4, 2008
By Heatherleann Murray BRONZE, Slatington, Pennsylvania
Heatherleann Murray BRONZE, Slatington, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I Hate the way you look at me.
I Hate it when your always dumb.
I Hate the way that you can sit there and tell me nothing is wrong.
And the way that you can tell me no.
I Hate the way you wear your clothes.
And the way you do your hair.
I Hate the way your always nice
even if it's not the right time.
I Hate the way you pull me along.
When you know how i feel about you.
I Hate that you can say that you love me and then next minute you are sleeping with someone else.
I Hate that you are always staring at other girls.
Or talking about ex's.
But most of all...
I Hate that i can't hate you at all.

The author's comments:
All of my stuff is based off of things that have happened to me or to someone i love. I get inspiration to write from nature, music, and my friends and family. they are all good ways to start to write. and i encourage anyone to just walk down the road with pen and paper and just write anything that comes to mind and i'm sure you can get a great idea from something you write.

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