Father's Watering Can | Teen Ink

Father's Watering Can

August 3, 2008
By Anonymous

You took my heart and tenderly planted it as a seed,
Never knowing whether your experiment would succeed.
But as my heart grew like soft petals in the early spring,
The brutal rain poured down all the torment the world could bring.
Your gentle hands protected me from outside agony,
Providing a shield from the maddening monotony.
Then the summer sun blazed down on my fragile innocence.
You did your best to shade me from the horrid decadence
Of beetles and weeds and other figurative evils.
But growth and nature bring inevitable upheavals.
As fall turns into the gray winter of adolescence
You must leave and pray your effort isn't evansecent.
You've tended to me long enough and now the seaon's changed,
But as my stem pushes forth I plead you not feel estranged.
You did your best to garden my soul as the days grew dark.
Don't fear that I will fail as I begin to disembark.
Destiny's journey promises there are bends to be had,
But my soul's a flower that belongs to only you, Dad.

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