The Denialists | Teen Ink

The Denialists

August 2, 2008
By Anonymous

Keep watching keep moving
Pretend you don't see them lying
There on the ground in pain.
Yeah, they screwed up.
Yeah, so did you.
But that doesn't mean their your problem.

Just a little trickle of blood
Just a little scream of pain
Frosty moonlight casts down
Upon writhing bodies
Upon brazen hate.
Sticky little pools of blood
Dot the ground like kids
This wasn't you, this was
For them.
Just walk on by.

Don't risk yourself
Laugh in the face of others
Misery. Laugh as they die slowly,
As long as it isn't you.

Just remember, you'll never
Live with the regret.

The author's comments:
This is kind of about the holocaust.

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