I need you back | Teen Ink

I need you back

August 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I never thought that I would be asking you this.
I’m half of a whole without you.
I think about you every day.
Wonder what it would be like if we were still together.
Want to be beck with you soo badly.
Don’t think you know how badly you hurt me.
Don’t think that you’d care if you knew anyway.
Still haven’t let the memory of what used to be go.
You’re still in my heart, soul, and forever always.
Never had anyone like you before.
Now that you’re gone I want you back.
‘Do you want to get back together?’
Don’t think you’ll answer that.
Can see it coming.
I still think about you all the time.
You never have any answers to my questions.
Never explain yourself.
I miss you soo much.
Can’t say goodbye, can’t let you go, can’t move on.
I’ll be hanging on forever.
I’m done crying’ (I think)
That was the first half of my pain
The rest is emotional
I always have a throbbing in my heart
Like a stubborn headache that I can’t get rid of.
I’m soo alone without you saying that you love me.

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