Black Crystals | Teen Ink

Black Crystals

August 1, 2008
By Anonymous

There was once a dream
I had a hope that this world would understand
Yet here I lay at the sky I scream
I refuse to hold your hand
The world is closing in
I’m suffocating
I number my sins
I will not fall for I’m obliged to stand
I took for granted everything that was mine
Deceiving, I seem to be the enemy
All I want is to stop the tears from falling
Into the night I hear you calling my name
I run
I run from you
Falling to my knees in disgrace
In my heart I know I must forget your face
I had a dream
That this place would not be reality
Through my life even in you
I hoped I’d find the truth
Even as I close my eyes
You hold my fate loosely
As the tears fall I know I must be
Counting the pain in each I take away
There was once a little girl
Bright green eyes enchanted to take control
A magic unknown
A power untamed by the tainted hand
In my memory
She dances gracefully
The outside looking in on her
Her wishing the outside could come in
Trust was broken
Now she’s lost within
Wondering the maze of her mind
Trying to find a path way out of reality
Now each night she falls into a dream
Silently she waits for her fate
As the tears fall she watches in wonder
From her cheeks they fall
Finally she sees her pain clearly
As if in a dream
She reaches out to catch her tears
To the ground they fall
They change in decent
Salty tears turn into the darkest of omens
Black crystals shatter as they hit the ground

The author's comments:
I've lived in foster care for 5 years and today two of my closest friends moved out of the treatment home I live at. Every time some one moves away or I move away iI try numb silence but today I feel as if what very little is left of me has died.

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