Mirrors | Teen Ink

Mirrors MAG

October 24, 2012
By Kisekichan BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
Kisekichan BRONZE, Glendale, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is beauty anyway?
Endless halls of porcelain faces
And marble eyes gazing from lofty windows,
Each diamond statue an unflawed deity.

Skin presses against glass,
Reaching for those angelic facades.
The misty casing casts a distorted reflection,
Bloated and splotched compared to its sparkling contents.

For a second, the light blends into shadow
A hideous twin replaced with snow skin,
Silk hair tumbling into place,
And blossoming eyes that radiate divine splendor.

But the image shifts and gain it’s just me
In the end, the failed efforts of a clearer view
Defile the crystal with blasphemous smudges.
Belittled in a hall of plastic mirrors.

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