Drunk Driving | Teen Ink

Drunk Driving

June 10, 2008
By Anonymous

Baby, how i loved you
I truly loved you so,
And really, i never thought
This is how you'd go.
It was just a simple party
That turned into a bash,
But baby, i never thought it could end up
Into this kind of crash.
You had just a beer.
You had only one.
But it was that moment when your friends
Decided to have some fun.
Baby, i know you were scared
When you got into that car.
Suddenly, in no time,
It started to go far.
Driving fast down the street
(What a lot of nerve,)
The car hit another
And immediately began to swerve.
Im watching all this in horror
And tears fill my eyes
Knowing in my heart you're gone forever
I began to cry.
The cops came too late
And they couldn't save your life
Baby, I just want you to know
I wanted you to be my wife.
I cry as I write this
But there is one last thing
I want you to know.
If had one wish,
I would've never wanted
To see you go.

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