fake girls | Teen Ink

fake girls

May 14, 2008
By Anonymous

I see Taylor in the hallway

She walks until she reaches her possee

Wearing a low cut shirt and a short skirt:

Hollister, Abercrombie, or American Eagle.

Taylor’s sweatshirt is The North Face and so is her backpack

She has new shoes just about every week

Hair re-died every month

Makeup painted on thick

Acrylics filled every two weeks

Whitened teeth that are about to be see through

Orange is the color that permanently stays on her skin

No job, but she drives a new car

Mommy and Daddy are paying for everything

She thinks she’s got it all

But little does she know,

Word gets around about everything she does,

But she’s not the only one.

Our school is filled with these girls

They just don’t get it


We all are.

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