Can't Wait | Teen Ink

Can't Wait

September 21, 2012
By Nyansema BRONZE, Obuasi, Other
Nyansema BRONZE, Obuasi, Other
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

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It's always about what I've done and what I've been able to do!!

I remember very well,
My first day in kindergarten,
The joy that surged through me,
I just can't tell.
Graduation from babyhood,
Just enough for a good mood!

Then I got into my first fight.
At home,I told mum, "I can't wait,
to enter primary school!
These peeps are so not cool!"
Just like a predator on a bait.
But eventually, I got there,
A decision made by fate.

Primary school was a nice phase;
But then I noticed a change in me sister's gait.
The boys always got into her cage.
" I just can't wait,
to hit puberty, Kate."

Now I look into the mirror,
I've got the curves and all;
But high school's not a joke.
The pressure is just a horror.
I still can't wait;
To leave these mates!

Time has been faithful.
Now in university,
I know I've got to be careful.
My life can't be a pity.
My determination needs to be gritty.

I just can't wait;
For that graduation,
I know mum will appreciate.

Now at twenty-five,
I've got the car, the job and the house.
Though my life has been worth the strive,
I'm still not a wife.
Now I can't wait,
to get married;
And forget these dates!

Today's me wedding day,
"I do" i will say.
Standing next to me is my groom,
Soon we'll share a room.
Then i whisper to him;
"I can't wait to start a family."
He chuckles and whispers back;
"Me neither, Emily."

A family of seven,
This one's made in heaven.
Soon we'll be eleven,
With four grandchildren on the way;
probably, this May.

Just some years back,
I couldn't wait to do
a whole lot of things.
Now nothing is new.
I'm grateful my life doesn't suck.

I'm all grown now,
Drawing nearer to my grave.
I just thank God I'm saved.
It's hard to say goodbye;
So I guess I CAN WAIT TO DIE!!!

The author's comments:
One of my best friends gave me the idea...she wanted to write about how we never get satisfied with our present situation, even though we craved for it days, years or even decades ago; so I came up with this for her.(With her help).

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