My Kyle | Teen Ink

My Kyle

September 20, 2012
By BobbieRap BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
BobbieRap BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Im not perfect and i dont live to be but before you point fingers make sure your hands are clean.-Bob Marley

Oh you who I love so dear,
The thought of losing me you must never fear.
I can look upon you face for days, upon days,
Just to catch a glance of the nervous twitch in your right eye.
My love for you Kyle will never die.

The author's comments:
My boyfriend and I have been dating now for four years, and were best friends for two years before we started dating. He truely is my frist true love and I would do absoultely anything for him. Poeple tell us all the time that were young and anything can change however were determined on spending the rest of our lives together. We already have plans on marriage and kids in the next five years. Although we both understand anything can change we both are in agreement that if we dont end up together wwell always be eachothers first true loves.

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