Uncle Kelly | Teen Ink

Uncle Kelly

August 1, 2008
By Megan154 BRONZE, Calgary, Other
Megan154 BRONZE, Calgary, Other
4 articles 2 photos 0 comments

A beautiful child,
A could be star student...
But something changed...
The darkness clouded around your head,
Whispering things,
That no child should hear.
You leaped from the cliff,
And fell straight into the arms of drugs.
You fell steeply and fast...
How could you have known,
That with that one leap,
You'd chosen your future.
After that,
Things changed as fast as you'd fallen.
You went from bad to worse,
And as you grew,
You moved closer and closer to the realms of Hell.
Until one day,
You came face to face,
With the dreaded Devil.
And even he warned you,
And yet you carried on.
Prison became a home to you,
All the guards knowing you.
And as I said,
Your fate was decided,
As you walked from prison...
Not quite a free man.
You walked down the streets of cul-de-sac,
And met those angry men.
You could've known,
For no one was surprised.
And then,
As they slipped their blade into your chest,
And you kissed the land good bye,
All humans shook their heads in shame.
But your fate was decided,
And you met Lucifer in a field of red,
Leaving behind your beautiful son,
And wonderful wife.
A beautiful child,
A could be star student...

That all changed.

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This article has 2 comments.

sweetheat said...
on Aug. 22 2008 at 11:31 pm
this was really good, i liked the emotion in this piece, :)

(daydream) said...
on Aug. 13 2008 at 6:23 pm
i love how you took the idea of "spiraling downward" and changed it a little.

it's amazing!