leaving for marines | Teen Ink

leaving for marines

August 1, 2008
By Anonymous

starting a new chapter in life
I'm not in it, till books a far
Missing out on the chapters unread
missing me, not even a memory said
Being over written like a scribble scrabble
Being erased as if I was never there
Writing a new chapter again and I'm not in it
missing out on all the family and friends
Years pass, he's back he's back
maybe broken bones, missing eyes
who knows what happend time fly's
Wars and stuff need to end
Because if I leave my friends lose a friend

The author's comments:
Sucks having to say goodbye to the only people you have!! Better to say hi I'm back then bye I'm leaven And may never come back. U say bye to one person, I say bye to my whole life, And existance.

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