Once Upon A Time | Teen Ink

Once Upon A Time

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Once upon a time, everything was fine.
Beloved, befriended, the fun never ended.
Health all around, no warning to sound.
Shock hit them all! They saw the king fall.
And they couldn’t put her life together again.

Changes were made and all seemed ok.
Prince charming was there, with quite shaggy hair.
Protected and trusting, hinges were rusting.
The door of surprise ripped open wide.
Baby on board and the duo is done.

Running on hope, but him, the dope.
Lies at this time? A years passing by.
Forgive and forget or make a new bet?
Bear it and smile, just one more mile.
Glass slippers sure don’t make the best running shoes.

Now he ignores, she surely bores.
She tries and she gives but can never live
The fairy tale life she always dreamed of.
What does she need? Where is the steed?
Should she ride in the sunset without them all?

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