My Knight in Shining Armor | Teen Ink

My Knight in Shining Armor

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Sometimes I feel so alone
Like I'm in some abandoned shack
That has no electricity
It's a shack with no food
I spend day after day
Alone in the dark
And the emptiness of my own insanity
It's like no one cares
I'm alone in this shack
With the rats as my only company
I'm hoping, no praying
Someone will find me soon
I don't know how long
I can survive here
I have no food, no water
All I have is myself
And my self-pity
Yet, ironically, all I think about is him
He's my one true friend, my savior
Wait, someone's knocking
Oh god, someone's knocking
I'm saved, I'm saved
I open the door
I'm shocked to see who my knight is
My knight in shining armor
Is the boy I've been thinking about this whole time.

The author's comments:
This is the way I felt(or still feel) when I'm not with that boy..

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