To Run | Teen Ink

To Run

July 30, 2008
By Anonymous

To run means to show,
How much you know;
About endurance, body, and strength,
And how to run different lengths.

To run shows you want to prove,
That you can move;
Different paces and different speeds,
And ignore your body’s needs.

To run shows you can,
And you’ve got a plan,
To be determined, persistent and firm,
And that you can confirm:
You are a runner,
And you are proud and pleased to be!

The author's comments:
I write this poem during a writing club that I was in last year as an Eighth grader. I am a runner myself, and therefore know what it feels like to run a couple of miles. But my older sister was what really made me think about this because she is a very good runner and runs a lot. I hope you enjoy this poem.

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