Cover | Teen Ink


September 10, 2012
By alondra carmenattycharon BRONZE, Murrieta, California
alondra carmenattycharon BRONZE, Murrieta, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cry, scream, hold yourself.
Don’t you ever slam the memories in a book.
Your just giving a cover.
But every morning you get up, do you not?
You fold up the cover, and put it away.
Cry, scream, hold yourself.
You fold up the cover, and put it away.
Exposed again you’re freezing with the lack of warmth.
Did I ever promise once?
Promises are a cover.
Cry, scream, hold yourself.
Promises are a cover.
I would lie awake, and have nightmares.
Alone I’d fight the evil, where were you?
They told me about you, I was hypnotized.
Cry, scream, hold yourself.
They told me about you, I was hypnotized.
Memories created together, were slammed on a shelf.
A worthless sentence?
That’s where our names now lie.
Cry, scream, hold yourself.
Hold us.
Don’t be Gone.

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