Afraid to die | Teen Ink

Afraid to die

July 30, 2008
By Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Walls dripping red.
cold metal soul.
Close your eyes.
It'll all go away in time.
close your eyes and when the scalpel cuts through..maybe you won't be afraid to die.

Things you cannot see.
Are the dark figures in your dreams.shotgun lovers painting their lives in red and black.Listen to the record scratch.Words repeating go too fast.cold hearts on a deadly path tonight.

you forever.don't you hear.them calling.for you.Family and friends they need you now,oh how.

close your eyes.
and it'll all go away in time.through this black solitude!
Close your eyes.and when the scalpel cuts through..maybe you won't be afraid to die.

Hold me.Touch me.Make my emotions break.Teach be.Human just like you.falling. through time.I cry as I kill.
forever mine.Take away this pain that rests at the base of my mind.

close your.eyes and.It will all go away now.Close your.eyes and.
don't let the tears fall.feel this knife this pain you never knew.Are you?! Are we?! Still afraid to die?!

The author's comments:
this is actually a song. it was inspired by the torture of concentration camp victims in Germany during Nazi reign. It was written when my summer school class was watching Schindler's List.

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