Stuck in the Trash | Teen Ink

Stuck in the Trash

August 26, 2012
By FaithZingeswar BRONZE, Fort Washington, Maryland
FaithZingeswar BRONZE, Fort Washington, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”
― Albert Einstein

All the noise and boisterous sounds
But still I feel so alone
Crisp leaves fall into hills and mounds
But still I'm lonely prone
The smell of fresh backpacks
Stacked and packed with air
Gray bins full of knick-knacks
I am so glad I'm not there
Folders stacked like colorful dominoes
Scary calculators facing each other
Like forever fighting formidable foes
Each fallen warrior is replaced with another
Rulers swing forth and back
And go round and about like a cul-de-sac
Boxed pencils dull and nubby
Clothed erasers looking very chubby
I look up at the hooks just for a glance
Getting caught? I'll take that chance!
They look so royal from their perch up high
They rule the world, the ground, the sky
Believe it or not I was once one of them
Gleaming bright like a well polished gem
I used to glimmer, sparkle, and shine
Waiting to be written with my point of fine
I'll never get a chance to be held
My life is over because I failed
One mistake ruined my life
All I feel is bitterness and strife
All my brethren are boxed on the shelf
I alone am the lone wolf who ended up
Broken into pieces in the trash bin
Never to be uncapped or used

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