I Wish I'd Known | Teen Ink

I Wish I'd Known

August 23, 2012
By Anonymous

I wish I'd known you didn't love me,
Because all day long I keep thinking about you and me.
Every single day I keep imagining,
What would it be like if we were together ?
But I know its all in vain,
Since we're not meant for each other.

I wish I'd known, in loving you, I was wrong,
Because this realization pricks my heart like a thorn.
I know that before loving you ,I didn't even think twice,
But trust me, I really had no other choice.
I don't know how I'll live without you,
But I know how much I love you.

I wish I'd known that my dreams would never come true,
Then I would've never dreamt of you.
Inside me I can hear my heart scream,
That you were my new,unfulfilled dream.
Now every time I pray , I make a wish
May God bless you with each and everything that you wish !!!

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