The End | Teen Ink

The End

August 15, 2012
By OrEos BRONZE, Hamilton, Montana
OrEos BRONZE, Hamilton, Montana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Whether believe you can or you believe you can't you are right."

Twirling my pencil
thinking of you,
but not in the way
that I use too.
A new person to walk into my life.
I use to find you charming and smart
and now all I see is nothing,
but someone who broke my heart.
You were there through thick and thin
with me all the time,
so much I almost forgot
about the friends that were mine.
Your romantic words
always stole me away,
but in the the silence
you never new what to say.
I laughed at your awkwardness
and giggled in you presence,
I never once thought "Good-bye"
would be our last sentence.
But I guess life has it's twists
it's own mind on what to do,
where you should go,
and what shall happen to you.
Though I will miss you,
more than I should,
I guess I'll move on
and turn away for good,
Or else I'll forget
to just walk along,
instead run into your arms,
as if I belong.
Never shall we see
each other again,
for I'm saying Good-Bye
to an old friend.
This is my end...

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