Love then and now | Teen Ink

Love then and now

July 14, 2012
By FallenWolf GOLD, Houston, Texas
FallenWolf GOLD, Houston, Texas
16 articles 3 photos 1 comment

I loved you then, I still love you now.
Wish I would of known sooner, then maybe you'd still be around.
It was short, a month only from then to now.
But I couldn't help it.
I thought that perhaps I finally found,
The one I've been sitting, waiting idle for so long.
Who I was hoping I could finally call my own.
We started off strangers.
Quickly became friends.
The to our surprised we became lovers I hoped that would last till the end.
I loved you then, I still love you now.
Even though you left me brokenhearted.
The decision was hard.
But we both knew the final outcome.
We didn't want it to be,but knew it was for the best.
Still I can't help, but have a pain in my chest.
You didn't know what made you put up with me through the years.
You didn't even know what made you fall in love with me even through our tears.
I loved you, I still love you now.
I wish things didn't happen like they did.
For once I was actually happy to live.
The time was short, but had an affect on me forever.
That's something that can't be changed ever.
I loved you then, I still love you now.
The feeling was strong.
I could still feel your lips pressed softly to mine.
I close my eyes and imagine it was real.
Oh how I still long for the feel.
I already miss you.
I miss your love.
I miss your smile.
I miss your warmth.
I miss the way you told me you loved me.
I miss everything about you and I wish I had it back, but that time has already passed.
How I wish I still had you.
Wish to call you mine once again.
But life's cruel ways prevent us from being.
So I just have to settle on dreaming.
Why did it have to end this way?
I loved you then, I still love you now.
I'll always love you and always will.
My memory of you will not fade.
I will remember you as my first and real friend, and my first real love, and the one that got away..

The author's comments:
I wrote this like two years ago after a bad break up. This poem was all of how I felt back then, and how I felt for a long time. I never truly healed from it, but I have gotten a lot better over the years.

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