Silent War | Teen Ink

Silent War

July 30, 2012
By Fender.girl1993 SILVER, Morgantown, West Virginia
Fender.girl1993 SILVER, Morgantown, West Virginia
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain" ~ Emily Dickinson

Each one faces a silent war,
we battle day in and out.
With our sensitive inner selves,
a battle inside throughout.

But though we each have our own wars,
each and every one.
We forget that each other's battles,
are not quite yet won.

We're frustrated at the driver,
who swerves right in our way.
But stop to think he may be losing
his silent war today.

We look down on the girl at school,
for the company she keeps.
Without realizing that her war inside,
makes her cry herself to sleep.

We laugh at the boy at work,
for the messy clothes he wears.
When really, his war is so, so strong,
he's just too tired to care.

Each of us have our inward wars,
rejection, abandonment, insecurity.
Anger, vanity, depression, hopelessness,
Lack of faith, or the words we speak.

How different our world would be,
if we would take the time to pray.
To remember that each of us are facing,
a silent war today.

The author's comments:
This piece really has to do with how shallow people can be. Many go simply off first impressions, or make assumptions. As a master of hiding emotions myself, I know firsthand that people can actually be very different from what the first impression may be. Often, this is a protective barrier when we're afraid of being hurt by others. Please be extra gracious to someone today- you never know what their "silent war" may be.

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