Between the Lines | Teen Ink

Between the Lines

July 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Between the Lines

The little comments that mean nothing,
The open statements that mean everything.
Your too afraid to say aloud
What I read between all your Lines.

Your friends that see nothing,
And those that see everything.
They say 'real' men don't say
What I read between all your Lines.

The clock on the wall tells me nothing,
But the one in my heart tells me everything.
So before it's too late say to me the words
That I read between all your Lines.

And in the end you find the truth,
You read between your own Lines.
Then I turned to walk and you said aloud,
What I read between all your Lines.

I'm in Love with You.

The author's comments:
I was sitting with my Mom and she mentioned something about reading between the lines to figure out my Dad liked her. It just kind of stuck with me.

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