The Lost Soul | Teen Ink

The Lost Soul

July 2, 2012
By Kara Richardson SILVER, Cartersville, Georgia
Kara Richardson SILVER, Cartersville, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As waterfalls trickle down her young puffed up face,
She begins to wander in the upbeat of excitement through a neon heaven.
Eyeing through the elbowing crowds and along the concrete ticket line,
Her bright blue eyes must adjust to the night filled melting pot.

The loose ridged rocks make a stamp on the bottom of her baby toes.
Her fury friend depending upon her right side, missing an eye, unable to have seen the evil rows.
Suddenly, strong winds grasp her held in screams and whisper a sad disbelieving song.
“Whoosh, whooo.”
While in and out the night still seems to multiply, becoming long long long.

With time it took for soul to spread through mind,
Her head began to find the heat below.
Then life starts seeping out of greater find,
Her bruises fade and say good night to all.

In the midst of her lost land she realized this was not the way to go,
Instead she stared into the eyes of that mysteriously grim unwanted foe.
She murmured strong words each beat on beat, “I’ll find my way back home”.
Then decided to die another day when her mother was sent off alone.

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