Reminded | Teen Ink


May 24, 2012
By chek123 BRONZE, Aventura, Florida
chek123 BRONZE, Aventura, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Cheetah photographs hung throughout your childhood room.
One name glided into my mind when I saw that cheetah picture.
You admired them as ardently as I admire the way you bloom.
Their spots and speed were never a model for your criticism or stricture.

Cheetahs run massive distances and then quickly tire out.
Sometimes I grow tired of the distance that involuntarily runs between us,
in that sense I suppose one could say that I’ve had my doubts.
Though, I am told the cheetah dislikes it when those around him make a fuss.

Cheetahs are your favorite creature.
They have “powers” you’ve always wished to possess.
You fail to acknowledge that you have a cheetah’s features.
You are quick and elegant, though I don’t mean to digress.

“The spotted one” is the meaning of the word cheetah in its purest form.
However, you, whom the majestic cheetah reminds me of,
are the one who always attempts to pull me out of the storm.
You, whom I’m reminded of, are my brother that I love.

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