3 different worlds | Teen Ink

3 different worlds

July 28, 2008
By Anonymous

3 different worlds in 3 different places.
All different in climate.
The people within.
All living differently day by day.

The 1st world is sunny.
Beautiful and warm.
Children in oceans.
Friends playng games.
Kids care for school.
Studious and smart.
All working hard to stay at home.

The 2nd world is hot.
Humid and warm.
Boys playing videogames.
Girls looking pretty.
Family relaxes and care just for fun.
Swimming all day, gelato at night.
All go to nanna's to eat some food.

The 3rd world is rainy.
Humid and windy.
Visiting nanna ma sick in the hospital.
Hope for recovering as stress fills our minds.
Toilets flood, tempers flare, and smells fill around the home.
But to see a smile on nanna ma's face shows hope.
Knowing nanna will recover.

3 different worlds in 3 different places.
Friends in one world.
Relaxation in another.
Care and hope in the last.
Which world do I belong in?

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this piece was when I went on vacation to visit my family and recalled on how different each place I went was. What I hope my readers to get out of the piece is how different other cities from our hometowns; from the weather, to people's way of life, and different languages that people speak as well.

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