Uttered Hellions | Teen Ink

Uttered Hellions

June 5, 2012
By halfway2anywhere SILVER, No Stalkers, New Jersey
halfway2anywhere SILVER, No Stalkers, New Jersey
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"waking up is know who you really are" - Exodus, Evanescence

Why are there monsters inside of my head?
Why can't they bother my past life instead?
Maybe I should try to seek for some help
Maybe I had this coming to myself
So I think you can't assist with this
In the end it will be my voice you'll miss
Maybe this is what fate will let me see
And hopefully I'll let all of you be
Now I know how to make an angel cry
And have her run back to God asking Him why
The forsaken must be noticed by their sins
And soon the flame on my arms will begin
Do you guys think its easy to let go?
With pure disagreement, I'll have you know
The easiest thing to let go is life
When you just want to touch the stars at night
I think I'm different from all of you
Its not very fun to think that way too
Because no matter what, my arms feel like stones
Feels heavy like when my heart feels alone
Why do I feel rushing throughout my veins?
I pray to God "don't let this happen again"
I can't help what goes to black and red
Why are there monsters inside my head?

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