If I never saw you | Teen Ink

If I never saw you

June 29, 2008
By Anonymous

What if it be that we had never met?
If I had never encountered you before?
Never seen your tall frame, your charming smile,your piercing blue eyes, blue and deep as the unboundless sea.
I don't know if I could go a whole day without seeing your handsome face, your laugh, and your sense of ease as you carry on a conversation with me.I don't know if my life would be complete without your presense and your guidence. You made me have confidence in myself, confidence which I thought I never had until you lead me the way.You made me shoot for all the stars in the sky, and for that, I am eternally grateful.

If someday by chance if our paths do meet, I hope you'll find that you have the same feelings about me as I do to you. Because if I never saw you I wouldn't have the courage to say that, " I love you".

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