Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

July 1, 2008
By Anonymous

I am from viendo y cantando
From Guitarras and tamboras
I am from my bed to my dreams
were there I keep deep secerts.
Vanilla y flowers, rosas,rojas y
blances.The sun flowres whose
long gone limbs I remeber as

they were my own.

I'm from que dios te bendiga
and pelo malo from Kayla y
Joel and mis hermanos
I'm from screaming ang fighting,
and from get it right or you
be sorry.

I'm form be good and respeta los
mayors, and Abajo de mi cama
ayun perro muerto
I'm from making a Barbe Q in
the park.
I'm from the , Bronx y de Republica Dominicana
Platano con salami y Platonos maduro. From abuelita
and abuelo and there stories.I'm from the treasure my mom
holds full of gold with love, and the key is cantando, full with joy.

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