Punishmath | Teen Ink


June 4, 2012
By American_Inspiration SILVER, New York City, New York
American_Inspiration SILVER, New York City, New York
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I hate math with all of my heart --
I much prefer history, science, and art.
I loathe quadratics, conversions, and slope,
And when it comes to radicals I know there's no hope.
Algebra lowers my weighted grade,
And thinking about the regent makes me terribly afraid.
I think X should be removed from the alphabet,
And trying to find the value of Y makes me extremely upset.
There's nothing I hate more than fractions and percents,
And I'm pretty sure that money was meant to be spent,
Not counted or cubed or multiplied by ten,
Then divided by two so I can find X again.
I hate area, square roots, and anything new,
And I hope this poem makes you despise math, too.

The author's comments:
I seem to have a strong contempt for algebra, and so I wrote this poem to describe my feelings for the class. I decided to post it on here and show it to my friends because I found it humorous.

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